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Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Great Escape

My eyes opened up and the first thing I saw was the door, the bedroom door. I looked over to my right and there he was; my husband. I hated him. I watched him as he slept soundly. His obscene inhales and exhales disgusted me. He snored like a blubbering beast. I began to think about all the evil things I could’ve done to him right at that very moment; he was in such a vulnerable position, I could suffocate him and watch him die slow, kick the shit outta him, even just kick him out of the bed. I fantasized about breaking dishes over his head.  I know it sounds sick, but I couldn’t help it, I hated him. Nonetheless, there was no time for fantasizing, I had things to do. I looked over at the door again. I couldn’t wait to get through that day and get the hell away from him, for good.  I was glad that it was a mild October morning. The weather made it easy to haul my stuff out of there quick. I was so done with marriage. I did all I could; I deserved better, my daughter deserved better and there was no reason why she should’ve had to pay for my fuck ups.  I did what I normally do every morning, I was nervous but I got through it.  I just avoided him as much as possible and got my daughter ready for school. 
We had been fighting for weeks and each fight was worse than the last. I suspected that he was seeing another woman, however I couldn’t prove it, but I felt it.  Ever since he started working at that internet company, something changed.  A woman can tell when there’s more to a man’s stories of his day and he had a lot of them. Everyday he had some anecdote about the “chicks” at work.  He went out of his way to tell me these stories, it was like he was fishing for a reaction, but I would never give him one. I let it ride; I wanted to see where it would go. This was around the same time that he constantly accused me of “changing”. According to him, when I started my new position at the pharmaceutical ad agency, I had changed…the only thing that changed was my paycheck, it was larger and he was jealous…point blank.  So, he decided to try to impose his guilt of cheating and his feelings of inadequacy by accusing me of cheating. Typical. That coupled with the chain of verbal, emotional and physically abusive events, I just couldn’t keep playing myself by staying with this loser any longer.
My paranoia made me feel that he knew something was going on. I didn’t know what made him look through the folder that we kept all our important documents like birth certificates, social security cards etc., but I had taken mine and my daughter’s documents out a few days ago in preparation for that day. 
My heart started pounding. He asked me why our documents were missing. I made up some dumb story about having to bring them to work, to copy them for the health insurance.  He looked puzzled, I knew he didn’t buy it, but he didn’t push it. Thank God… I was nervous enough about what I was about to do a few hours from then. I was going to pack up mine and my daughter’s things and leave him and go stay with my mother. One of my best girlfriends was coming with her vehicle to help me haul all the things that can fit in her truck; anything else would just have to stay. It’s just stuff, I’ll get it later, if at all.
I had to do it that way to avoid any more drama. My nerves just couldn’t take anything else. I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown because of him. He was the worst husband, not that I had anything to compare him to, but I’m pretty sure loving husbands were not supposed to tear there wives apart every chance they got. That day I realized that emotional abuse is far more destructive than physical abuse. Bruises and scars heal, but when a man gets up in your head and plays on your insecurities to bring you up and to shoot you back down, it stays with you long after the relationship ends, sometimes years if you’re not careful. You’re not even aware of the destructive mind conditioning you’re going through. You make yourself believe that there is something wrong with you; over-thinking everything, turning yourself into a pretzel to try to please a man that’s abusing you. I couldn’t understand how I had allowed myself to be in such an emotionally battered state. What happened to me? I used to be so confident; I didn’t take shit off of anybody. Why did I put up with him and his shit?
The answers to these questions come to me after sometime of separation, reconciliation and another separation which has finally ended in divorce.  However, I’m getting way ahead of myself. So I’ll digress back to the day that I left the bastard.
Our daily morning routine was that he left the house first; he had to be to work very early, the kids went off to school, then I left for my walk to the train station. But instead of getting on the train, I sat inside the train station for about 1 ½  hours waiting for enough time to pass so that I can go back home and start packing. Before I walked back home, I made sure to call him at work, just to make sure he was where he was supposed to be. I called to let him know I made it to work, like the responsible wife.  He’s such an asshole.   The coast was clear except for his mother, she was home, but I can deal with her, she’s elderly and not a threat to me.  And if I had to, I was prepared to smack her up and put her nosy ass in check.
Walking back home from the train station, I realized that that would be the last time I would walk through the neighborhood I’ve come to love and call home.  The multicultural community of was so rich in history and architecture. My dream was to buy a colonial home there  that had a front porch, huge backyard and great room… the works!  So when I took that last walk back up the main street of the town, I made it a point to really soak in the local color.  It was a beautiful fall day and the temperature was warmer than usual but I welcomed the unseasonable weather.  I shuffled through the leaves and found the perfect maple tree leaf; it had a translucent blend of orange, yellow and red.  My daughter would love this leaf, she collects them.  Damn, my daughter… what was I going to tell her? The only person that mattered to me at that moment was her. Once we get to my mother’s house, my main concern is to make her as comfortable as possible, put her into a good school and reassure her that we’re going to be alright; better even. I’ve already planned on enrolling her into a catholic school in the city, that way she will ride the train with me and I can drop her off to school and go on to work.   I became more pensive and forgot all about enjoying my last walk in town, just that quick my conscious mind took over again. I approached my block and thought about the hours that lied ahead. In a few minutes, I’m going to have to deal with my mother-in-law.  I thought of some bullshit story to tell her, like I was sick and my boss sent me home.
“Who’s that?” she yelled as I came through the door.
She comes charging through the living room like she was really going to do something if it were an intruder or something! She’s too funny.
“Monica ?! What the hell are you doing here?”
“Hey Ma, I came back home cause I’m not feeling well and my boss sent me home” I replied.
“You not feelin’ well? What’s wrong with you? You pregnant? I hope you ain’t pregnant”.
“No, I’m pretty sure I’m not pregnant Ma, I’m going upstairs to go to bed, see you later”. I turned away and started for the stairs
“Hold on a minute missy…” she said.
“Yeah?”  I turned halfway back around still moving toward the stairs.
“Lemme have a cigarette and don’t tell my son, okay?”
I chuckled. That old lady was a piece of work; she could be evil as hell. There was no telling how she was going to act on any given day.
“Yeah Ma” I dug in my purse. “As a matter of fact Ma, here take three. Those should last you till tonight” I replied.
“Thank youuuu” she said happily.
I sped up the stairs and started on my mission. I hated having to mislead her like that, but freedom was just over the horizon and I wasn’t about to fuck it up. 
My girl friend was on her way, so I had to pack fast. I stashed garbage bags in my closet days before. Yes, I planned this great escape! Anyway, by the time she arrived I had just finished garbage bagging everything of mine and my daughter’s.   I ran outside to meet her and I was so happy to see a friendly face. I hugged her so tight and at that moment I realized how truly nervous I was. I was literally shaking in her arms and I started to tear up because I was so grateful to her. Most people would not do what she was doing for me and my daughter.  We were always friends before this but this was the start of a very special bond between the two of us. I was in a really bad place emotionally and she helped me, there are just some things I don’t ever forget and I will never forget how she was there for me at a time when I needed someone, no matter how far she is or how long we don’t speak. We will forever be friends.
After we released our embrace, we took deep breaths and walked into the house. I unplugged the telephone from the wall so my mother in law could not call my husband and risk him coming home while we’re still hauling my things out; his job wasn’t very far from the house.  I told the old lady I was leaving her son, so please stay out of my way. She didn’t seem too surprised, but she did stand around while me and my friend carried stuff out as if I was going to steal something out of my own house! She asked me if he knew that I was leaving and I just said “yes” to get her out of my face.  At that point, I started to get nervous, even though I unplugged the phone, I thought she was going to reach him somehow, so we picked up the pace and got the hell out of dodge…next stop, my daughter’s school. 
Here was the part that I was dreading for days; explaining to my daughter why I was at her school to pick her up, and why were we leaving to go live with grandma.  I was so torn about how this break up would affect her, but I had to do it. He wasn’t her real father anyway, although she did call him daddy, she knew he wasn’t her biological father. She longed to see her real father again and when the time is right, I will make sure that happens for her. I knew it would be fine in the long run.  My dysfunctional and abusive relationship didn’t set a good example for her. I held on to that and it made me stronger.  When we walked out of her school and into the parking lot, I took a moment to talk to her before we got to the truck.
“Mommy..? Why are you picking me up from school so early, we were about to go to art class” She looked puzzled and disappointed that she was going to miss art.
“Well… because you and I are going to go live with grandma starting today”
“All of us… why are we all going to live with grandma?”
“No, baby not all of us… just me and you. We’re not going to live in this town anymore. Daddy and I are not going to live together anymore”.
She tilted her head to the right and was silent for a few seconds; her brown eyes looked directly into mine. Then she spoke.
“Ooooh, I know why mommy, I know why, you and daddy yell a lot, you cry a lot.  Is that why mommy?” she asked.
“Yes, that’s a big part of it. We’ve tried to work it out but its best for you and me if we go back to Queens.  We’ll stay with grandma for a while until we get our own place and you’ll go to a new school too.  I’m sorry baby, to take you from your school and friends, but I promise, our lives will be much better once we leave…I promise.” I grabbed her and hugged her tightly.  I replied.
“It’s okay mommy, I could tell you were sad a lot so now maybe now you’ll smile more”. She said.
“Yeah, baby girl, maybe so”. I responded.  She was right.
To my surprise, she didn’t take it hard at all! I was feeling very guilty up until that point, but it was like she was waiting for us to leave. She had witnessed the fights, his verbal and emotional abuse, my constant crying, my depression and my chronic turmoil.  Children can be surprisingly understanding, just when you think that they have no clue, they surprise us and show us that they are more observant than we give them credit for.

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