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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Greatness Over Fear

Why do we let our fears prevail?

By letting fear dominate, you’re holding yourself back from all the greatness you could be involved in. Don’t be afraid to start that new venture! Go ahead and take that fitness class you’ve been stalking every time you go to the gym but then settle on the boring as treadmill!

Don’t be scared to step out of your box… It will be okay! If it gets to be too much you can always just get back in and try another day! But at least you took steps toward doing something different.

We get so used to our daily routines and often dream about things that we would want to do with our lives but never follow through because we think “this dream will never come true for a working stiff like me”… but on the contrary…. Yes it can!

Successful people didn’t start off successful, they grinded till they got successful. 
So why not you? Why not me?  Why can’t we be successful?

See, I’m a Dreamer AND a Doer by nature…. A Sagittarius. I always have a goal, a target
This blog is one of my dreams and podcasting and writing books in another. 

In 2013, I wrote and self-published a novel titled Life Interrupted and ever since then it seems like I’ve been holding myself back.  I pushed it on my IG and Facebook, I think it got listed on a couple of urban book review sites as well, but never committed to promoting it like I should have, even though I received continuous positive feedback from readers, who constantly asked about a sequel.

Well, of course I had every intention of writing a sequel…. Right?

Then here comes life barreling down the street!
I get pregnant… Now I’m a new mom, freelance working from home. 
Fast forward 18 months I get an onsite job plus baby is ready for day care.
Fast forward again… I get engaged, start planning my wedding, my older daughter goes away to college...Boom! I’m pregnant again! I have baby, get married and job stress.

With all these things going on, I told myself they were all too consuming to pursue my dreams. As major as these life changes were, I used them as excuses because I was just scared to sit down and write another book. 

·     What if it wasn’t as good as the first.  Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice right?Or what if it was great! I would need to keep that same great energy and keep creating good content.

But what I realized is that fear and excuses don’t outweigh the joy of reaching goals and being successful….  That feeling is amazing and addictive!
There are thousands of writers, bloggers and podcasters doing this very thing successfully.
And if they can… I can too!
With all that being said; I want to finally move to this….

Fear is an emotion that is fleeting… here one moment gone the next
Its not a reason to allow yourself to be held back from pursuing your dreams.
One thing that can help is being aware of your fears, then you are more than likely to be able to navigate past them. But you have to be willing to step outside of your box and take a chance on yourself.

If you don’t believe in your own capabilities, you won’t convince anyone else to believe. Point Blank.

Loose the fear to find your greatness.

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