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Monday, October 29, 2018

Things Women Don't Talk About Out Loud

As women, we are known to be the communicators.  But there are some things that we think we just shouldn't talk about.

Things that are a little taboo!

How much our kids overwhelm and stress us out.  Our kids are our blessings! Why on earth would we let people know that sometimes we can't stand the little suckers! LOL.  We're embarrassed to admit that we are completely overwhelmed and stressed and need help and/or serious individual time.  We're afraid that people will judge us and think that we're bad moms, but the truth is, as moms, we do need breaks, FREQUENTLY!..... it's okay to admit to that. And you'll find that there are other moms out there that share your exact sentiment.  Being a mom is not glamorous, it is hard freakin' work.

Infertility. Babies are being born every minute in this country. We've been taught that women are born to birth and be mothers, but unfortunately, for some women it doesn't happen so easily.  They need some assistance.  Think about the fact that female babies are born with all the eggs they will ever have.  So when you finally get to your 30s or 40s, and you're ready to be a mother, you're dealing with 30 or 40 year old eggs! Which may not develop as expected at that point.  Millions of women are suffering in silence, when they can be talking to their girlfriends and/or co-workers and they would find out how prevalent fertility issues actually are.  It's not uncommon anymore.  But unfortunately women just don't go around talking about their infertility issues because again, being embarrassed that they will be perceived as an inadequate woman.

Poor self image. A lot of women look in the mirror and hate what they see.  As we get older things don't hold up like they used to.  And if you've had children, things are definitely going south if you don't make the effort to keep it tight and right.  Also, the standard of beauty has been warped.  The SOB has become IG model beauty and that's just not realistic because those women's bodies aren't real anyway... ass shots and waist trainers aid in that illusion.  If women focus on their health and fitness, they will see that the body that they thought they wanted isn't really worth it.

Women unwittingly saddle ourselves with all this pressure of perfection but the truth is, we don't need to be perfect. Life isn't perfect. We are fine as we are.  We should be able to talk about these "taboo" issues with ease because at the end of the day, those issues aren't really taboo.  Yes... we always talk about the surface feelings, but we hardly ever dig deep and talk about our feelings of inadequacy that come with these issues.

If we can't talk and vent with each other, who will we vent to?  Our men? LOL

Stay tuned for Episode 5 on the Podcast, Finding Your Voice, coming this Wednesday (10/31).

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